Blofield & District Gardening Club
The Hemblington Parochial Church Council, in collaboration with the Hemblington Parish Council, arranged for 3 small-leafed lime trees (Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’) to be purchased, to be planted in the gaps along the churchyard’s eastern boundary. A fourth tree, a Japanese flowering cherry (Prunus Shirofugen) was to be planted at the main entrance to the churchyard, to commemorate HM Queen Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee. As the trees needed to be planted on the day they were to be delivered, some preparatory work was required – clearing undergrowth, digging holes, etc., then planting and staking the new trees.
A group of 9 volunteers gamely appeared and all four trees were planted on the morning of Thursday 16th February. The PCC is most grateful to all those involved, especially BADCOG chair Ernest Hoyos, churchwarden Simon Mutten, Friends committee members Gwendoline Slater, Peter Harvey, Steve Briggs and Sue Rowe, and Friends group members Tricia Dolamore, John Applegate and Peter Rowe.
A further working party will be planned during March, before the nesting season begins in earnest. There are some brambles to be cleared and tops of hedges to be pruned. Anyone interested in helping keep the churchyard well managed for wildlife will be warmly welcomed. Please contact the Friends secretary for further details: (01603) 715804.

Final tree planted – featuring some members of the volunteer group: John Applegate, Gwendoline Slater, Simon Mutten, Ernest Hoyos and Peter Harvey.